Small delay

Small delay and some other news

Hey everyone,

Just a heads up that we still need a little bit more time to finish implementing new characters, which require a lot more work than we expected. That's the whole reason why the current build is taking more than usual.

Implementing new characters as well as adding a female one is a lot of work, all systems need to be able to tell which is which and every single animation had to be redone for that reason.

So in a day or two we will share our test build for Whoremongers and testers so they could help us fix all the bugs that we missed. Furthermore our current estimate that the next game version will be done is in a week or so for Whoremongers.

Nonetheless, we will continue posting our progress updates without any delays, so you could see all the changes we are making. And most importantly after we publish 0.0.6 version, next game builds will resume to their normal release schedule - once a month and new content will be added more rapidly once we finish with our new character system. Hopefully you can understand that we are doing our best to finish all the updates as soon as possible.

-Team HoeRizon

P.S. here's a little bit of something from the previous update series, just to add some spice to  the whole text post.

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Get HoeRizon 0.0.8 [Pre-Alpha]

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